Monday, May 27, 2013

Catching up and plans for summer

With all that's been going on the last few months, reading and writing have fallen to the bottom of the priority list.  I miss them both and I'm looking forward to the slower pace that the summer will bring.  I read because it broadens my views.  I write because it helps me make sense of the world.  But those are not the only reasons.   I need to read and write like I need to breathe. I've had some wonderful and some difficult experiences in the last few months (you can read about them here).  Now it's time to process all of that through a little writing.

I'm hoping to get back to the book reviews and online book club posts soon, but I think that what I am currently reading is going to play a big part in my summer.  I'm re-reading a bunch of related novels and stories that I wrote, but have never revised, edited, or published.  It's interesting to revisit these tales.  Sometimes I am amazed at the clarity of the writing, and other times I'm amazed at how truly awful it is.  The story I'm reading right now will probably just be used as an outline of events.  The ideas are good, but the writing is not.  That's OK.  It served its purpose.  Now it's time to take it to another level.

So here is my summer reading and writing plan.

  • Do more fiction writing.  
  • Finish the book club posts for Emotional Freedom.
  • Finish the book reviews for books that I finished reading in February or March.  
  • Read and write about the entire Wheel of Time series.  Mostly I'll be re-reading to get the big picture, but I'm also excited to see what the last couple books of the series reveal.  After thinking the series was almost done several times, I decided not to read any more of it until the series was done and I could read the whole thing.  I'm weird like that.  
What are you planning to read and/or write about this summer?  

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