Thursday, November 29, 2012

To Borrow or Buy

Borrow from the library, buy a book, or buy the Kindle edition?  So many choices, and to be honest, my answer is usually all of the above.

I have trouble remembering my own phone number sometimes, but I have my 14 digit library barcode memorized.  Yes, I use it so much to reserve books and check my account that I don't even have to look at my card to type it in anymore.  These days, I buy very few fiction books.  I don't often re-read fiction, so it's cheaper and easier to just use the library.  I also use the library for much of my TV and movie viewing (which is why I am about 6 years behind in my knowledge of popular culture.)  Tonight  I'm picking up a book that I reserved in July or August.  I'm not sure how I'm actually going to get it read in the next two weeks with everything else happening, but I don't care.  I'm excited to jump into a little fiction and a total escape from reality.

The non-fiction I'm reading right now involves a little too much reality.  Desmond Tutu is telling me about the atrocities that occurred during apartheid in South Africa.  I wouldn't be able to get through it, except for the fact that he is also telling me about the wonderful things that happened as the nation began to heal its wounds.  But I'll tell you more about that in a future review.

Non-fiction requires patience, and thought, and time, and most importantly, a highlighter, which means that I don't check out much non-fiction any more.  Instead I use Half Price Books,, and to get inexpensive copies that I can write all over.  I learn by writing and that is true even in my reading.  If the book is pristine, it means that either I haven't read it yet, or it wasn't very good.

A few weeks ago, I purchased my first non-fiction books for the Kindle app on my computer.  I didn't really like reading fiction on my computer, but I love it for non-fiction.  I can easily highlight, and adding notes is super easy since I can type them in.  The app will give me a list of all places that I highlighted and added notes to, so it's easy to find the sections I want to look at again.  I'm not ready to give up paper books, but this is a cheaper alternative for some things and I think I will be using it a lot in the future.

So where do you get your books?  And more importantly, if you buy, where do you put them all? Every time I've gotten rid of a book, I've wanted it again later, so my library just keeps growing and growing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

An invitation!

I know that invitations usually come before the welcome, but I do things a little differently.

This is an invitation for you to enter the wonderful world of books.  It is also an invitation to share your favorites.  I'm very serious about getting an online book group going.  If you'd be interested, let me know in the comments.  Also feel free to share books that you would be interested in discussing.

A friend has been running a group on her blog for Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. She is shutting down that particular blog.  The group may transfer to her new blog (and I'll share links here), or it may show up here.

What are you reading and what would like to discuss?


I've been reading some amazing books lately and need to share what I am learning.  Sometimes I may actually do book reviews, but most of the time, these blog posts will be about the  words and ideas that I encounter in my reading that fill me with awe or make me re-evaluate what I think and believe.  You know, the kind where you highlight it,  and then read it three more times, and then you write stuff in the margins.

Over time, you will see that my reading tastes are very diverse.  Someone looking at my bookshelf might be surprised at some of the books there.  Or they might be surprised that Jane Eyre sits next to a book of poetry by Shel Silverstein, which is directly above a book by Jimmy Carter, which is directly above several books on neuroscience.  Right now I'm doing a lot of non-fiction reading, but I go through fiction phases too.

Books can take you anywhere, so hold on to your seats.  This is going to be a wild and crazy journey.